Insect traps are available to capture a number of different insect pests including bed bugs, cockroaches, fruit flies, flies, clothes moths, pantry moths, wasps, fleas, mosquitoes and more. Some insect traps work by luring the pests with a smell based attractant where they are then captured on a sticky glue board such as the Lo-line cockroach traps. Once the glue board is full it can be easily disposed of in the rubbish. Other insect traps entice the pest inside the trap where they cannot escape, such as the Envirosafe fly and wasp traps and the Pestrol mosquito traps.
Pack Size: 10 Lo Line Cockroach Traps provide incredibly useful information for the trained, experienced user as well as for the client. Lo Line Cockroach Traps allow early detection...
The Complete 'Do it Yourself' German Cockroach Control Kit Contains: 1 x Maxforce Gold Cockroach Bait Gel 10 x Lo-Line Cockroach Glue Traps MAXFORCE GOLD COCKROACH GEL Active Ingredient(s) -...
Pack Size: 5 Active Ingredients: 0.48g/kg Fipronil APITHOR is the simple and successful way to save your hives from the damaging effects of the hive beetle. This single use, disposable device...
Active Constituent 4.9g/Kg (Z,E)-9, 12-tetradecadien-l-yl acetate Pack Size: 2 The Professional Pantry Moth Trap combines a powerful pheromone attractant with patented BioLure controlled-release technology to create an effective, long-lasting and...
The Envirosafe Regular Fly Attractant Refill is the result of years of extensive research to determine the most cost effective and easy to use method of catching flies. The resulting...
The Envirosafe Fly Trap and Fly Attractant is the result of years of extensive research to determine the most cost effective and easy to use method of catching flies. The...
Active Constituent 5g/Kg Koiginal I, Koiginal II The Professional Clothes Moth Trap uses two powerful pheromone attractants in a single lure to create an effective, odourless and pesticide-free clothes moth...
5 Pack. Attractive yet practical, Effective for up to 3 months, Powerful adhesive will hold even the largest houseflies. Safe and effective. No chemicals or odours.
The Complete 'Do it Yourself' Cockroach Control Kit The Cockroach Control Kit contains: 1 x Maxforce Gold Cockroach Bait Gel 1 x Delforce Insecticide 500ml 10 x Lo-Line Cockroach Glue Traps...
Active Constituent 5g/Kg Koiginal I, Koiginal II Pack Size: 2 The Domestic Clothes Moth Trap combines powerful pheromone attractants with convenient lure-in-glue technology to create an economical, effective, easy-to-use clothes...
NOTE - To be used for insects only. NOT to be used for mice, rat or rodents. Non-poisonous TRAPPER MAX Glue Traps for insects provide maximum performance and real value....
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY BED BUG MONITORS A simple, visual device for monitoring of bed bug activity on beds, drawers, bedside furniture, cots, sofas and more Completely pesticide...