PACK SIZE - 15 Avithor Bird Away – A Totally New Concept in the Effective Management of Pest Bird Species Avithor Bird Away Visual & Olfactory Bird Repellent is 100%...
Are you experiencing problems associated with birds such as noise, nesting, ticks, lice and bird droppings? BIRD BUSTA can help to prevent the associated health hazards of bird problems. BIRD...
Designed specifically for raptors and larger birds Discourages both perching and nesting Humane and environmentally friendly Quick and safe installation Has excellent self-washing characteristics Extremely versatile for a multitude of...
Bird Scare Cannon is a highly efficient and successful bird and kangaroo deterrent. Maximise your harvest and your profit while easily removing unwanted animals from your property. Introducing the Bird...
Bird Scare Cannon is a highly efficient and successful bird and kangaroo deterrent. Maximise your harvest and your profit while easily removing unwanted animals from your property. Introducing the Bird...
WHAT IS D-TER? D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent is a fantastic animal & bird repellent. Ideal for use as a repellent for dogs, cats, birds, possums, kangaroos, bandicoots and more!...
Flash Tape is a visual bird deterrent made from an iridescent foil mylar tape used to scare birds away from outdoor areas. Flash Tape works in two ways, when birds...
This full size replica of a hovering hawk is made of tough weatherproof plastic, so it lasts. You can protect your stone & pome fruits, nut, berry or broad acre...
Scare the birds away with our new reflective spinning silver windmill deterrents. Reflective Windmill Bird Scarer – 2 Pack is the perfect accessory for your garden, patio or lawn to...
The Sand bag is a great, versatile option that is a good base for the Bird Spider or the Bird Sweeper. A popular mounting option for this product as it...
The Scare-Eye Balloon inflatable frightener has proved to be very successful at scaring birds in all types of situations, from agricultural and commercial use to around the home. The Scare-Eye...