Zap-IT is a new revolutionary, compact and portable device that immediately stops the itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites.
Also works on jellyfish stings and most other insect bites.
Painless, small, clean and in just 5 or 6 clicks of the button: you stop the scratching and itching.
Rapidly stops itching and the urge to scratch.
Reduces inflammation and skin blemishes.
Safe, simple and easy to use.
Effective on most common insect bites.
Clinically tested and approved by medical doctors.
Long lasting - Can be used for up to 1,000 bites.
Non Allergic.
Portable, small, discrete, can be used anytime anywhere - Carrying lanyard included.
Place the tip against the bitten area and ZapIt, ZapIt, ZapIt, ZapIt, ZapIt!
Click the activation button rapidly, at least 5 to 10 times.
You decide on the right number of zaps for your comfort.
After a few minutes the swelling and itching will normally ease but if the symptoms persist for longer perform another series of zaps on the bite.
ZapIt cannot harm you.
If the urge to scratch returns REMEMBER: ZAPIT, DON'T SCRATCH IT!
CARRY IT WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. Keep it handy. Don't be tempted to scratch. Scratching bites can break the skin and allow for infection and scarring.
ZapIt will treat up to 1,000 bites. It's small and easy to carry around... on your key chain, in your purse, attached to your rucksack, in your car, in the medicine cabinet, junk drawer or top draw at the office. You never know when you'll be bitten or when the urge to scratch will occur. Buy a few and keep them handy.
Expected use of the device is intended for about 1,000 bites.
Discharge voltage: 13kV
Amperage: 0.7mA
Discharge duration: 10 microseconds Weight: 7g
ZapIt adheres to the piezo electric detoxifier patent No. 5,496,356 invented by Paul Hudz.