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Aqua K Othrine Space Spray
Aqua K Othrine Space Spray in use
Aqua K Othrine Space Spray Mixing rates
Aqua K Othrine Space Spray Directions for use
Aqua K Othrine Space Spray in use
Aqua K Othrine Space Spray in use
Aqua K Othrine Space Spray in use

    Aqua K Othrine Space Spray

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    For use in thermal and cold foggers.

    Leading water-based space-spray technology for the control of mosquitoes and flies with FFAST technology. Aqua-K-Othrine kills mosquitoes, flies; cockroaches; spiders and stored product pests.

    • Contains synthetic pyrethroid (2% deltamethrin) in a unique EW formulation. Primarily based on water with built-in FFASTanti-evaporant technology
    • Low environmental impact and high level of safety in use
    • Highly effective against flying insects such as mosquitoes and flies
    • Very low rates of application
    • Biodegradeable – no environmental accumulation
    • Dilutes with water
    • Non-flammable
    • 1 litre


    Dilute Aqua K-Othrine with the suitable volume of water according to the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations for the output rates required. As standard practice, application equipment should be calibrated to determine output rates and actual volumes required in order to reach the target application rates of product referred to in the directions for use above.

    As a guide only, some dilution and application rates are provided in the table below.

    Aqua K-Othrine Mixing Rate Guide



    Users of this product MUST make an accurate written record of the details of each spray application within 24 hours following application and KEEP this record for a minimum of 2 years. The spray application details that must be recorded are: 1 date and start and finish times of application; 2 location address and areas sprayed; 3 full name of this product; 4 amount used per hectare and number of hectares applied to; 5 situation and pest; 6 wind speed and direction during application; 7 air temperature; 8 nozzle brand, model and type and spray system pressure measured during application; 9 name and address of person applying this product. (Additional record details may be required by the State or Territory where this product is used).

    Aqua K-Othrine Directions For Use Table


    Apply by means of appropriate specialist equipment capable of producing and distributing droplets of a volume mean diameter (VMD) value below 50 microns. This equipment may be thermal fogging equipment, cold aerosol generating ULV equipment and hand-held or knapsack sprayers which are designed for space spraying.
    Note that generally speaking motorised knapsack/backpack sprayers or mist blowers produce a mist with a droplet size spectrum of 0 to 200 μm with Volume Median Diameters greater than 50 μm. These larger droplets are less efficient for flying insect control.


    Fly and mosquito control campaigns should begin early in the breeding season. Spray rounds should initially be every other day for 7 to 10 days to kill newly emerging adults and then a maintenance phase of weekly sprays may be used. Application should be timed correctly to achieve optimum results; for fly control; application should take place in the morning when flies are at ground level and have not had a chance to disperse. Application should be targeted to resting and breeding areas.

    For mosquito control the optimum application time is generally in the evening when most species are active however the peak activity time should be identified to optimise effect against the particular target species.

    For control of biting midges, the optimum timing is generally at dawn or dusk when adult midges are most active.

    For optimum results when applying indoors close windows and doors before application and do not open for at least 30 minutes after treatment.

    Brand: Bayer
    Type: Concentrate
    Active Ingredient: 20g / L Deltamethrin, 250g / L Hydrocarbons
    Mixing Rate: Ready-To-Use
    Application Rate: Outdoor application: 50 mL/ha, Indoor application: 2.5 mL/1000 m3
    Size: 1 Litre