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8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Advion Cockroach gel bait is a high-performing product targeting all prevailing pest species of cockroaches, including German (also gel bait-averse), American, Australian, brown, smokybrown, Oriental, brown-banded and Asian cockroaches. It combines a highly attractive, proprietary gel formulation with a potent, non-repellent active ingredient. Cockroaches cannot resist this superior combination, and even the toughest populations are quickly controlled.
Speed and spectrum, all in a single product.
Cockroaches are unsightly and can spread bacteria and allergens, which can be problematic to your customers. Syngenta offers Advion® Cockroach gel bait to achieve targeted results of multiple cockroach species, including gel bait-averse cockroaches. With Advion Cockroach, your customers can enjoy their property without the nuisance and worry of cockroaches.
Advion Cockroach gel can effectively differentiate between target insects and non-target insects. The mode of action in Advion Cockroach gel targets the insect’s metabolic process by bioactivating the active ingredient, indoxacarb, within target insects.
Target Insects
Upon entering an insect, indoxacarb is converted into a new molecule with insecticidal properties. This process is activated specifically by the insect’s own enzymes.
Non-Target Insects
The bioactivation process of Advion Cockroach gel is not as efficient within most non-target insects, so they are less likely to be affected by the product.
Apply small spots of Advion Cockroach Gel Bait, roughly the size of a pin head, in the following locations:
Cockroach traps should be used in conjunction with cockroach gel to ge the best results. These should be placed in the following locations:
Brand: Syngenta
Type: Cockroach Gel Bait in Syringe
Active Ingredient: 6g/kg Indoxacarb
Mixing Rate: Ready to Use
Application Rate: Apply at least 2 spots per m2. Recommended spot size is approximately 5mm diameter (0.1g)
Size: 30g
This thing is the only one that works!