- 100% Australian owned manufacturer
- Contains active ingredient indoxacarb which is a non-repellent
- Long residual period for up to 6 months control
- Can be turned into a fly bait spray with the addition of sugar into the mix
- Can be used effectively in conjunction with cockroach and ant baits without affecting performance
Makes 50 to 100 LITRES*
* (Depends on mixing rate and pest)
EnsnarePRO is quite a unique product. Firstly its is classified as a non-repellent insecticide as opposed to the majority of our other insecticides which are classified as repellents. This means that insects such as cockroaches, ants and flies don't know its there. This results in more of the population being exposed to the insecticide and therefore increased uptake as they are not repelled from treated areas. Another benefit of this non-repellent feature is it can be used in conjunction with ant & cockroach baits without affecting the uptake of the bait.
Another unique feature of EnsnarePro is that it can be turned into a fly bait spray with the addition of sugar into the tank mix. Simply dilute 10g sugar (ideally castor sugar because it is more easily dissolved) with every 1 litre of spray solution. The sugar also encourages flies to stay longer on treated surfaces again resulting in increased exposure.
EnsnarePRO should be used anywhere you have difficult to control populations of ants or cockroaches or whenever you wish to use a residual insecticide in conjunction with baits without affecting the performance of the bait.
For the control of ants, cockroaches, fleas, millipedes, slaters, crickets, house flies and baiting of European wasps.
EnsnarePRO is a non-repellent residual suspension concentrate spray. It can be used in conjunction with baits without reducing the performance of the bait. Ants, cockroaches and flies don’t know it’s there. The ‘non-repellent’ properties of this formulation does not interfere with insects natural behaviour and allows for greater exposure (and thus uptake) to eradicate hard to control populations. EnsnarePRO is exceptional for the control of heavy cockroach infestations in commercial and other situations.
EnsnarePRO is a suspension concentrate insecticide to be mixed in water and applied as a residual spray for the control of ants, cockroaches and house flies in and around domestic, commercial, industrial and public service buildings. EnsnarePRO is a non-repellent insecticide, allowing insects to pick up a lethal dose quickly as they are not repelled from treated areas. Therefore, it can be used in the same areas as ant and cockroach bait products without reducing the performance of the baits.
EnsnarePRO is activated inside the insect and can take several hours before an effect is observed. Mortality may take up to 24 hours for insects exposed to a fresh application of EnsnarePRO. EnsnarePRO does not have a flushing effect or fast “knockdown” properties like pyrethroids products. Length of protection is dependent on surface and environmental conditions. Maximum length of residual control is obtained under indoor and/or sheltered outdoor conditions.
- Indoxacarb 50 g/L
- Suspension Concentrate formulation
- Smart Kill Technology™
- Unique Controlled Particle Technology (CPT)
- Unique Transigel Rheology System (TRS)
- Non-repellent residual spray
- Non-staining
- No odour
- Residual spray up to 6 months control
- With the addition of sugar to tank mix can be used as a fly bait spray
- Ideal for use in conjunction with BattleaxePRO Roach Bait Gel fipronil 0.5 g/kg
Powerful mode of action
At the heart of EnsnarePRO is the powerful active, indoxacarb which is bio-activated by the internal enzymes in target insects. The internal emzymes convert EnsnarePRO into and even more potent insecticide. The added advantage of this bio-active process is the slight delay in control ensures the target pest transfers EnsnarePRO to other insects thus providing enhanced population control.
Its Okay to Bait
Extensive field trials by Sundew demonstrate that EnsnarePRO provides excellent control of cockroaches and ants and can be successfully used in conjunction with gel baits. When sprayed prior to application of Sundew BattleaxePRO Roach Bait Gel there is increased consumption of the gel bait.
What makes Ensnare Pro superior to other indoxacarb products?
- Totally unique – this is Australia’s only water based suspension concentrate of indoxacarb
- EnsnarePRO has the largest label claims for any indoxacarb spray treatment in Australia including fleas, millipedes, slaters and the use of baiting flies with the addition of sugar to tank mix
- Makes an excellent fly bait when mixed with sugar in tank mix – great arounds stables, milking sheds, piggeries, and other intensive farm situations
- EnsnarePRO uses indoxacarb which is ‘non-repellent’ technology – insects do not know or can sense its presence, spend more time on the treated surface and is more effective at killing pests. Because EnsnarePRO is ‘non-repellent’ it has a transfer effect – i.e. ants will pick it up on their bodies and transfer it back to the nest to give total nest elimination (we refer to this as “Smart Kill Technology”)
- Indoxacarb works by blocking the nerve receptors of an insect – they just become imobile
- Indoxacarb has a lower LD50 than synthetic pyrethroids – so it is very safe, ideal for use in sensitive areas or locations where customers are concerned about pesticides being used
- Indoxacarb is very stable – if left undisturbed it will continue to kill insects for up to 6 months
Brand: Sundew
Type: Concentrate
Active Ingredient: 50g/L Indoxacarb
Mixing Rate: 10 mL/L (Maintenance applications and shorter term residual performance), 20 mL/L (Heavy infestations or extended residual performance)
Application Rate: Spray areas of infestation and building entry points.
Size: 1 Litre