Maxforce Activ is the latest gel, in the line of 'new generation' cockroach control products by Envu. Envu has created this product from the ground up, gel placements even look different!
Trials suggest that gel placements remain palatable for at least 12 months. Incorporating the patented blue bead feeding stimulant technology to ensure Total Life Cycle control (TLC).
This unique feeding stimulant has been proven in our premium product Maxforce Fusion to dramatically decrease the percentage of nymphs in the population. The reduction is due to an increased direct consumption of bait by nymphs, resulting in a long term inability for populations to recover.
Target Pests
Cockroaches (German, American, Australian, Oriental) including
Areas of Use
Domestic, commercial, public and industrial situations including domestic premises, food manufacturing and processing establishments, food storage and preparation areas,
public buildings, small scale animal housing and modes of transportation.
Maxforce Activ is the latest gel, in the line of ‘new generation’ cockroach control products by Envu. Envu has created this product from the ground up, gel placements even look different!
Trials show that gel placements remain palatable for at least 12 months.
Incorporating the patented blue bead feeding stimulant technology to ensure Total
Life Cycle control (TLC). This unique feeding stimulant has been proven in our premium product Maxforce Fusion to dramatically decrease the percentage of nymphs in the population.
The reduction is due to an increased direct consumption of bait by nymphs, resulting in a long term inability for populations to recover.
Application rate and delivery
→ Small Cockroaches 1-2 spots of 7mm diameter per m2
→ Large Cockroaches 2-3 spots of 7mm diameter per m2
Comments on application
→ Apply Maxforce Activ for service and maintenance applications, including where nymphs are present.
→ Maxforce Activ is smooth flowing (easy spot size management).
→ The active ingredient is 10g/kg clothianidin.
→ A cockroach management program including the use of non-pyrethroid sprays
(e.g. Ficam® W), residual sprays (e.g. Temprid® 75) and insect growth regulators
(e.g. Starycide®) should result in the most effective cockroach management.
→ Envu recommends the rotation of its gel baits: Maxforce Activ, Maxforce Fusion
and Maxforce Gold to prevent bait matrix aversion.