1300 667 664

8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)


There are a range of insecticides available on the market for the control of cockroaches including insecticidal dusts, liquid concentrates, aerosols and ready to use formulations. These insecticides can be applied in hand sprayers, backpack sprayers, fogger's or dusters. A range of ready to use formulations in handy spray packs are also available. 

This category features our range of residual insecticides that are registered for the control of cockroaches in residential and commercial situations. If you require a specific product which is not listed below please contact us for availability.

Pest Defence Multipest Termiticide & Insecticide


Coopex Insecticidal Dust


Starrdust Pro One Shot


Starrdust Pro 2kg


Starrdust Pro 10kg


ANTagonist Pro Residual Insecticide


Amgrow Patrol Ant, Wasp & Termite Dust


Starrdust Pro One Shot x 19 (Free Duster)
