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Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum Concentrate 250ml
Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum Applications
Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum Concentrate
Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum Concentrate 5 litre

    Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum Concentrate

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    • Highly concentrated (80g/Litre of pyrethrins making it 20 times stronger than products available in garden centres)
    • 1 litre makes up to 1000 litres of spray solution
    • Only a 1 day withholding period - spray today, eat tomorrow
    • Effective on a wide range of plant pests and other insect pests including mosquitoes, flies, midges, ants, silverfish, moths, cockroaches, grain weevils, spiders, earwigs, beetles and other flying insects
    • Suitable for use in fogging machines for control of mosquitoes and other flying insect pests

    What is so special about Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum concentrate?

    At 80 g/L pyrethrins and 320 g/L piperonyl butoxide (a 1:6 ratio), it is 20 times stronger than the 4 g/L products available in garden shops — and therefore much more economical to use. At about 20 times the concentration of home gardener products, the dilution rate is 1 ml to a litre of water, in other words, 1 litre makes 1000 litres of spray.

    250ml - Makes up to 250 Litres

    1 Litre - Makes up to 1000 Litres

    5 Litres - Makes up to 5000 Litres

    10 Litres - Makes up to 10,000 Litres

    20 Litres  - Makes up to 20,000 Litres

    240 Litres - Makes up to 240,000 Litres

    480 Litres - Makes up to 480,000 Litres


    What can Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum be used for?

    Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum concentrate is registered for use on all fruit and vegetable crops, cut flowers and ornamental plants. It can also be used outdoors to control adult mosquitoes, midges, flies and other flying insects.

    Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum is also registered for use inside buildings including domestic premises, commercial, industrial and public buildings including: food processing establishments, shops, factories, hotels and motels, shipping containers, offices, schools, storerooms, warehouses, hospitals, barracks, private houses and external areas asscociated with such establishments. Agricultural buildings including storage sheds, milking sheds,other high density animal production sheds, barns, kennels and stables.

    Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum concentrate controls all aphids, all thrips, all caterpillars, all whiteflies, all leafhoppers ants and earwigs.

    Features & benefits of Py-Bo natural pyrethrum:

    • A solvent-free concentrate to avoid leaf burn
    • Only a 1-day withholding period; spray today, eat tomorrow
    • Compatible with fungicides and foliar fertilizers.
    • Mammals cannot develop chronic poisoning
    • Worker re-entry to crops as soon as droplets have settled.
    • Kills on contact - the pest dies within minutes
    • 1 day withholding period 
    • There is no insect resistance
    • Mammals cannot develop chronic poisoning

    A long residue is of no advantage on plants anyway; new leaves appear every other day and few insects eat old leaves when new and tender shoots are available.

    Some growers of crops in protected facilities such as greenhouses, use pyrethrum to kill off the last of the pests before their old crop is removed. This significantly reduces the threat to the next crop, and, if they intend to introduce beneficial insects, there are no residues to affect their establishment.

    In a nutshell, if you have the equipment that can put a droplet or three on any insect in your crop — it will die within minutes. Natural pyrethrum will kill almost every insect it contacts. It kills within minutes so you can be sure it is doing the job you expect. It degrades in UV light so the withholding period is just 1 day. Because it is rapidly metabolised it can be used on all crops and inside food handling areas.

    Natural pyrethrum will rapidly degraded in mammals and birds and cannot build up to levels which lead to chronic poisoning symptoms. It is possible some people will have allergies and touching nasal passages and other sensitive skin with unwashed hands can lead to discomfort.

    There is no petroleum solvent in the formulation to cause leaf burn, however the only plants we know to be affected are continental or Lebanese cucumbers.

    Py-Bo natural pyrethrum can be tank mixed with foliar fertilisers and fungicides. Wetters and stickers are not required; they just add to your expense for no benefit.

    Application Techniques
    For your first application. find a section of your crop or premises where there are active pests then, using your normal equipment and technique, apply the Py-Bo pyrethrum solution. Important: check the result within 15 minutes. If you find dead pests it is because they were contacted. If there are live pests it is because they were not contacted so you need to change something physically; the droplet size (larger or smaller) or the angle of nozzles, or the volume of solution for the area. Try another section to assess the result of the changes you’ve made.

    Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum can be used through misting and fogging machines to kill everything that flies in factories including of course, flies, fungus gnats, drosophila, wasps, etc.

    Brand: Pestech
    Type: Insecticide Concentrate
    Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins 80 g/L, Piperonyl butoxide 320 g/L
    Mixing Rate: 1mL in 1L of water or 100mL in 100L of water
    Application Rate: Dilute with suitable volume of water and direct spray to contact the insects and into cracks and crevices
    Size: 250ml, 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 240L, 480L


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