1300 667 664

8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)

Mouse Bait & Poison

The use of bait or poison to control mice is one of the most popular methods as it is fairly simple to set up and doesn't require regular daily monitoring. Baits are positioned in strategic positions where evidence of mouse activity has been identified. The use of mouse bait stations to hold the poison is highly recomended as these protect the bait from the weather and other contaminants as well as non target species such as pets and children. Mouse bait is available in many different brands including Talon, Tomcat, Ditrac, Contrac and Pest Defence.

Really Serious! Pro Vermax Rat & Mice Block Bait


Tomcat II Pellets


Mouse Control Kit


Muskill Soft Bait


Talon Pellets


Tomcat Bromethalin Blocks


Really Serious! PRO Advanced Lipo-Gel Rodenticide


Rodent Bait Tray


RATSAK Fast Action Wax Blocks 1kg


Talon Pellet Trays


Storm Secure Wax Blocks 8kg


Rodilon Pro Rodenticide Soft Bait
