We recommend that Hygenie Discreet Bug Killer Globes are changed every 12 months to ensure maximum efficacy. The levels of UV produced by fluorescent Hygenie Discreet Bug Killer Globes deteriorates...
Hygenie Discreet Bug Killer Glueboards should be changed at least every 3 months Particularly dry or dusty environments may require a more frequent change as atmospheric debris may become attached...
Designed for use in front of house areas, Hygenie Discreet Fly Killer discreetly protect areas which are highly visible to customers. Insects are attracted by UV light then retained with...
We recommend that UV tubes are changed in the IND35 every 12 months to ensure maximum efficacy. The levels of UV produced by fluorescent tubes deteriorates rapidly throughout the life...
IND35 Glueboards should be changed at least every 3 months Particularly dry or dusty environments may require a more frequent change as atmospheric debris may become attached to the board....
Designed for commercial, factory and warehouse situations, the IND35 Commercial Fly Killer has shatterproof lamps as standard. Easy installation, suitable for wall mounting or free standing. Large capacity GLUPAC pheromone...
We recommend that UV tubes are changed in the IND65 every 12 months to ensure maximum efficacy. The levels of UV produced by fluorescent tubes deteriorates rapidly throughout the life...
IND65 Glueboards should be changed at least every 3 months Particularly dry or dusty environments may require a more frequent change as atmospheric debris may become attached to the board....
Infiniti Glueboards should be changed at least every 3 months Particularly dry or dusty environments may require a more frequent change as atmospheric debris may become attached to the board....
Part of the Infiniti family, providing discreet fly catch, for customer facing applications.NEW! A highly efficient decorative model to complete the Infiniti® family – perfect for front of house areas...
Designed around the UV LED source, Infiniti® delivers game changing unique flykiller technology to the professional flying insect control market. Infiniti® differentiates itself from other glueboard flykillers by utilising a...
The distinctive Pelsis LED UV strips have an effective UV output life of 3 years, which reduces servicing time and inventory management.
Wavelength: 368nm