1300 667 664

8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)

30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner 2L Concentrate

    30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner 2L Concentrate

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    • Spray it on and hose it off
    • Fast acting exterior spray
    • Removes algae, moss, mould and mildew from exterior surfaces
    • Safe to use around garden, restores outdoor surfaces to looking like new again

    Outdoor Cleaner is a quick and cost effective exterior cleaner, used to restore those dangerous slimy green and slippery black surfaces to looking like new again. Also ideal for the treatment of mould and mildew on exterior surfaces killing the spores and minimising re-growth.

    Our range of Outdoor Cleaner products are brilliant if you are looking for instant results and wanting to get the job done fast. A cost effective product to make your black, green and slimy surfaces look like new by simply applying and letting it sit on the surface for 10 minutes, giving it a good scrub and rinse clean. Leaving the surface looking new again. Available in either a concentrate version, easy to use hose end or ready to use option. Either mix in a pump sprayer, attach your garden hose to the bottle or just apply straight to the surface, it’s that simple. Our concentrates can be diluted down 1:1 and then applied through a pump sprayer.


    • Works quickly
    • Suitable for wood, paint, concrete, brickwork, paving, terracotta and plastics
    • Ideal as a preparation for paint, varnish and stain
    • Ready-to-use formula available in 1L and 5L with motorised power sprayer
    • Concentrate formula available in 2L, 5L and 20L
    • Hose End formula available in 2L