5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY TEMPRID 75 Contains two powerful active ingredients which means two modes of action Two active ingredients provides greater long term residual period and faster...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY CHAINDRITE EXTRA STRENGTH CRAWLING INSECT SPRAY Extremely fast knockdown effect Powerful flushing action to get insect pests in hard to reach places Effective on...
5 REASONS YOU SHOULD BUY DELFORCE RESIDUAL INSECTICIDE Great allrounder. Effective on a wide range of household and commercial insect pests Low toxicity. Very safe when used correctly Great for...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY DELTA PRO PROFESSIONAL INSECTICIDE 100% Australian owned manufacturer 2.5 times more concentrated than other commonly available deltamethrin formulations! Highly effective on a wide range...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY BEDLAM AEROSOL INSECTICIDE Specially formulated aerosol spray for control of bed bugs and other biting insects Handy crack and crevice nozzle for application to...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THE BED BUG MATTRESS PROTECTOR This is a full encasement that wraps around the mattress and zips closed 100% effective. These encasemenrts completely trap...
6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY BATTLEAXE PRO AEROSOL Australian family owned manufacturer Extremely fast knockdown Comes in a large 420g aerosol can Works on a wide range of household...
5 REASONS YOU SHOULD BUY PROTECT-US INSECTICIDAL DUST Effective on a wide range of common insect pests (see full list below) Handy 500g puffer pack for home use and small...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY COOPEX INSECTICIDAL DUST Effective on a wide range of household and commercial insect pests Ideal for roof voids, sub-floors, wall cavities, under cupboards, etc...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY SECLIRA WATER SOLUBLE GRANULES INSECTICIDE Very popular product with pest control technicians Contains the non-repellent active ingredient (dinotefuran) which has a strong transfer effect...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY STARRDUST PRO ONE SHOT Australian family owned manufacturer Australia's No1 selling insecticide dust with pest controllers Handy 400g pack size Ready to use...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THE BED BUG PILLOW PROTECTOR This is a complete pillow encasement that zips closed 100% effective. Bed bug & dust mite entry & exit...