Pack Size: 10 Lo Line Cockroach Traps provide incredibly useful information for the trained, experienced user as well as for the client. Lo Line Cockroach Traps allow early detection...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY TEMPRID 75 Contains two powerful active ingredients which means two modes of action Two active ingredients provides greater long term residual period and faster...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY MAXFORCE GOLD COCKROACH GEL Maxforce Gold is our best selling cockroach gel Extremely effective, especially on German Cockroaches infesting domestic & commercial kitchens Popular...
The Complete 'Do it Yourself' German Cockroach Control Kit Contains: 1 x Maxforce Gold Cockroach Bait Gel 10 x Lo-Line Cockroach Glue Traps MAXFORCE GOLD COCKROACH GEL Active Ingredient(s) -...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY CHAINDRITE EXTRA STRENGTH CRAWLING INSECT SPRAY Extremely fast knockdown effect Powerful flushing action to get insect pests in hard to reach places Effective on...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PEST DEFENCE TERMITICIDE & INSECTICIDE Great allrounder. Suitable for use on termites, turf & plant pests as well as other common insect pests (full...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY ADVION COCKROACH GEL Market leader - very popular product with pest control technicians Highly palatable formulation for use on all cockroach species Contains the...
5 REASONS YOU SHOULD BUY DELFORCE RESIDUAL INSECTICIDE Great allrounder. Effective on a wide range of household and commercial insect pests Low toxicity. Very safe when used correctly Great for...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY DELTA PRO PROFESSIONAL INSECTICIDE 100% Australian owned manufacturer 2.5 times more concentrated than other commonly available deltamethrin formulations! Highly effective on a wide range...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PY-BO NATURAL PYRETHRUM CONCENTRATE Highly concentrated (80g/Litre of pyrethrins making it 20 times stronger than products available in garden centres) 1 litre makes up...
6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PY PYRETHRIN SPRAY Safe for use around food and food processing areas Safe for use around humans and other warm blooded animals Fast knockdown...
BattleaxePRO Roach Bait is a ready-to-use high performance broad spectrum cockroach gel bait utilising the powerful active fipronil. Highly palatable cross all species small and large this bait entices immediate...