1300 667 664

8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)


Silverfish are a common household pest of fabric, books and paper and are often found in areas where these products exist. They are also commonly found in roof spaces. Often they will be seen in a bath tub or sink as they cannot escape due to the smooth surfaces. 

Control of silverfish involves both chemical and non-chemical approaches. Firstly inspect items brought into the home such as second hand books for evidence of silverfish, store books, files and papers in light, airy conditions and keep food items in sealed containers. Chemical control can be achieved by treating areas with products such as liquid residual insecticides, insecticidal dusts and aerosol sprays. See our range of insecticides below that are registered for the control of silverfish.

Temprid 75


Chaindrite Extra Strength Crawling Insect Spray


Delforce Insecticide


Delta Pro Professional Insecticide


Py-Bo Natural Pyrethrum Concentrate


PY Pyrethrin Spray


Really Serious! Pro Insecticidal Dust


Coopex Insecticidal Dust


Starrdust Pro One Shot


Imperator Smoke Generator


Starrdust Pro Duckbill Duster Combo


DIY Pest Control Kit - Basic
