5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY ANTEATER FIRE ANT GRANULES Australian made It is not a scheduled poison so it is safe for people, animals and the environment Highly effective...
ANTagonistPRO has been used in Australia and overseas by pest management professionals, turf care professionals, and Government authorities for many years for the treatment of the tramp ant known as...
Inlcudes 250ml Lure Sundew VesPEX PRO Dominator Bottle Trap was designed after testing dozens of local and overseas bottle traps. These local and overseas traps failed in their ability to...
Sundew Vespex PRO European Wasp Lure is a specially formulated, non-toxic liquid lure which is attractive to European Wasps, but NOT to bees or Paper wasps. Suitable for use in...
Sundew VesPEX PRO Dominator Bottle Trap was designed after testing dozens of local and overseas bottle traps. These local and overseas traps failed in their ability to consistently trap European...
Sundew Vespex PRO European Wasp Lure is a specially formulated, non-toxic liquid lure which is attractive to European Wasps, but NOT to bees or Paper wasps. Suitable for use in...
ACTIVE INGREDIENT/S: 20 g/kg Methiocarb FORMULATION TYPE: Bait pellet For the control of snails and slugs gardens, pastures, orchards, vegetables, cereals, citrus, grapes and other various situations as specified on...