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ANTagonist Pro
ANTagonist Pro Residual Insecticide
ANTagonist Pro Residual Insecticide

    ANTagonist Pro Residual Insecticide

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    Size: 1 Litre

    ANTagonistPRO has been used in Australia and overseas by pest management professionals, turf care professionals, and Government authorities for many years for the treatment of the tramp ant known as Argentine Ants. ANTagonistPRO has been used as part of a treatment program in overseas locations to successfully eradicate Argentine ants in national parks and other locations. The addition of Red Imported Fire Ants and Yellow Crazy Ants is an exciting and keenly welcomed inclusion to the ANTagonistPRO label. The advanced polymer technology UNIQUE to ANTagonistPRO will give professionals treating Red Imported Fire Ants and Yellow Crazy Ants and unparalleled tool in the successful treatment of these invasive tramp ant species.

    What is ANTagonistPRO?

    ANTagonistPRO is a suspension concentrate formulation containing a revolutionary Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid approved for the treatment of

    • (General Pest Control) ants (including Red Imported Fire Ants and Yellow Crazy Ants)
    • spiders
    • wasps
    • cockroaches,
    • mosquitoes
    • midges
    • fleas
    • flies
    • ticks
    • termites
    • (Turf) lawn armyworms
    • sod webworms
    • Argentine stem weevil
    • billbug
    • African black beetle
    • ants
    • (Ornamentals) mites
    • aphids
    • caterpillars
    • loopers
    • earworm
    • budworm
    • lightbrown apple moth
    • whitefly
    • mealybug
    • thrips 
    • cutworms


    • Utilises unique NEW Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid formulation NOW approved for Red Imported Fire Ants and Yellow Crazy Ants – April 2021
    • Available in convenient 1L easy measure chamber pack or 5L bulk jerry bottle
    • Ideal for hard surfaces eg. concrete paths, brickwork, etc.
    • Stable on alkaline surfaces eg. concrete, cement board, etc.
    • Available only to pest management professionals
    • Ideal around sensitive areas such as schools and day-cares where nuisance ants can cause great distress
    • Registered for treatment of nuisance ants – doesn’t matter if they are sugar feeders or protein feeders – ANTagonistPRO controls the lot!
    • Sundew field trials and real world experience recommends the use of Sundew ANTagonistPRO Polymer Enhanced Bifenthrin on hard surfaces such as concrete, walls, driveways, posts, sleepers, ant trails, nests, etc. WITH SAS PRO applied to broken surfaces such as lawns, garden beds, between pavers, compost, ant trails, nests, etc. for season long control of all ant species in domestic situations.

    What makes ANTagonist PRO superior to other bifentrhin based products?

    • Totally unique – this is Australia’s only polymer enhanced bifenthrin
    • The polymer in ANTagonistPRO makes the product waterproof, UV and pH stable – so it lasts longer and won’t wash away in the rain (once dry)
    • ANTagonistPRO was originally only registered for ants outdoors – we originally developed this to be the ultimate ant killer product
    • However, pest controllers told us how excellent the product was at killing every pest under the sun indoors and outdoors – so we did work to add every pest we could to the label
    • Because of the polymer (waterproofing aspect) of the product it is brilliant in commercial situations where they do regular wash downs (i.e. every restaurant in Australia)
    • ANTagonistPRO has the broadest label claim of any bifenthrin product in Australia – including turf, ornamental, roses, carnations, and selected termite applications into nests and power poles
    • ANTagonistPRO is the ONLY bifenthrin product approved for RED IMPORTED FIRE ANTS and YELLOW CRAZY ANTS
    • Because of its unique polymer technology it is excellent for concrete, paths, brickwork, as well as adverse surfaces covered in grease, etc as found in restaurants etc.


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