Many moth species are serious and costly pests of agriculture and horticulture. In urban situations, stored products such as grains, cereals, dried fruits and fabrics of animal origin may be attacked by various moth species. Two of the more common household moth pests are the Clothes Moth and the Indian Meal Moth otherwise known as the Pantry Moth.
Clothes Moth - Clothing items affected by clothes moths can be sterilised by hot wash or wrapping in black plastic and exposing to the sun for 2 - 3 hours. Use Clothes Moth Traps and a liquid residual insecticide such as Delforce or Coopex Residual to treat storage areas and affected carpets.
Pantry Moth - When an infestation occurs, affected food items should be discarded. Use Pantry Moth traps and pyrethrin based sprays to control.
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY TEMPRID 75 Contains two powerful active ingredients which means two modes of action Two active ingredients provides greater long term residual period and faster...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY CHAINDRITE EXTRA STRENGTH CRAWLING INSECT SPRAY Extremely fast knockdown effect Powerful flushing action to get insect pests in hard to reach places Effective on...
5 REASONS YOU SHOULD BUY DELFORCE RESIDUAL INSECTICIDE Great allrounder. Effective on a wide range of household and commercial insect pests Low toxicity. Very safe when used correctly Great for...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY DELTA PRO PROFESSIONAL INSECTICIDE 100% Australian owned manufacturer 2.5 times more concentrated than other commonly available deltamethrin formulations! Highly effective on a wide range...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PY-BO NATURAL PYRETHRUM CONCENTRATE Highly concentrated (80g/Litre of pyrethrins making it 20 times stronger than products available in garden centres) 1 litre makes up...
6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PY PYRETHRIN SPRAY Safe for use around food and food processing areas Safe for use around humans and other warm blooded animals Fast knockdown...
Active Constituent 4.9g/Kg (Z,E)-9, 12-tetradecadien-l-yl acetate Pack Size: 2 The Professional Pantry Moth Trap combines a powerful pheromone attractant with patented BioLure controlled-release technology to create an effective, long-lasting and...
6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY BATTLEAXE PRO AEROSOL Australian family owned manufacturer Extremely fast knockdown Comes in a large 420g aerosol can Works on a wide range of household...
Active Constituent 5g/Kg Koiginal I, Koiginal II The Professional Clothes Moth Trap uses two powerful pheromone attractants in a single lure to create an effective, odourless and pesticide-free clothes moth...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY STARRDUST PRO ONE SHOT Australian family owned manufacturer Australia's No1 selling insecticide dust with pest controllers Handy 400g pack size Ready to use...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THE PREMIUM ELECTRIC FLY SWATTER High powered killing grid that kills flies instantly Ideal for quick control and reduction of flying insect pests such...
Active Constituent 5g/Kg Koiginal I, Koiginal II Pack Size: 2 The Domestic Clothes Moth Trap combines powerful pheromone attractants with convenient lure-in-glue technology to create an economical, effective, easy-to-use clothes...
The product doesn't come with a syringe. The website shows pictures of it, doesn't mention it doesn't come with the syringe and also says "The Complete 'Do it Yourself' "(which is not complete).
Please don't buy or support misleading websites like this one.
HI Daniel - Apologies for this packing error. The warehouse staff have dispatched the missing gel to you today.
This product is great to work with, had a bad rat problem and after a week of baiting it had wiped them out. Will continue to use ditrac its worth every cent.