1300 667 664

8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)

Really Serious! Pro Fly Trap
Really Serious! Pro Fly Trap
Really Serious! Pro Fly Trap
Really Serious! Pro Fly Trap
Really Serious! Pro Fly Trap

    Really Serious! Pro Fly Trap

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    5 Litre Trap - Comes with 2 x 50g Bait Sachets

    10 Litre Trap - Comes with 4 x 50g Bait Sachets

    Really Serious! Pro® Fly-Trap

    100% Natural Pesticide Free Fly Control that Really Works!

    Flies Caught in the Trap are Unable to Escape and Die

    Control flies in any outdoor area; your home or farm, around livestock, resorts, holiday parks, around food handling establishments and more.

    The Trap uses a pesticide-free 100% natural approach to fly control, employing a unique and highly attractive 100% food-based lure to draw the flies into the proprietary REALLY SERIOUS! PRO® FLY-TRAP, from which there is no escape.

    The Trap contains our unique Unidirectional Cones. These Cones allow the flies to easily enter. Since they cannot escape this quickly becomes the flies’ final resting place.

    It is amazing how many flies the trap will catch. The Traps need to be emptied and refilled with clean water and fresh sachets of REALLY SERIOUS! PRO® FLYTRAP GRANULES every 30-60 days, depending upon the fly pressure and the environmental conditions.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

    I love to tell you about the product, but your curious system is absolutely hopeless. It says the parcel has been delivered. It definitely has not. We’ve had the door open all day. Someone’s been here all day and it has not been delivered.