Cockroach gels and baits are a common and effective form of cockroach control. These baits work well for all cockroach species but are particularly effective on German cockroaches. Cockroach bait is most often in the form of a gel in a syringe.
With the use of the easy-to-apply syringe, the bait can be applied as small spots, approximately the size of a pin head, around kitchen cupboards, on the hinges, under bench tops, under and around the appliances including microwaves, dishwashers, fridge motors, electric jugs, toasters, etc. Some cockroach baits are also available in granular form.
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What is Cockroach Gel?
Cockroach Gel is a modern pest control technique. Often referred to as cockroach bait these products contain a food based lure mixed with an insecticide active such as Fipronil, Hydramethylnon or Indoxacarb. Cockroaches are attracted to the bait, feed on it, leading to mortality a short time later.
What are the advantages of Cockroach Gel baits over other control methods?
The great advantage of cockroach gel over other methods of control is that the cockroaches do all the work for you. Rather than spending time trying to find where all the cockroaches are hiding and treat them with a liquid or aerosol based insecticide, the cockroach gel can be applied in strategic locations for them to feed on. Some cockroach gels also have a transfer effect where not all cockroaches in the population have to actively eat the bait to be affected by it. The active insecticide can be passed on to others through the faeces and dead carcasses of those that have consumed it. Another benefit of cockroach gel is it is a lot safer to use, especially around food and food processing areas. Cockroach bait can be applied with precision to cracks & crevices, in small volumes meaning you can avoid spraying insecticides in sensitive areas.
How and where should Cockroach Gel be applied to get the best results?
Cockroach Gel is particularly effective when used in kitchen environments. Place small spots, about the size of a pin head, strategically to areas where cockroaches are harbouring such as cupboards, drawers, fridge motors, under and around other appliances, storeroom shelves, etc. Other locations where cockroaches can be found include bathrooms, laundries, storerooms, roof spaces, sub-floors, etc.
You should place 1-3 spots of bait per m2. You can increase the number of spots and spot size depending on the severity of the infestation.
Do I need any other products to assist in treating cockroaches?
Yes, for best results it is highly recommended that cockroach gel is used in conjunction with other control methods. These may include cockroach traps, liquid residual insecticides, insecticidal dusts and aerosol sprays. Just make sure you do not contaminate the cockroach gel with any of the insecticide products as the cockroaches may then not eat it.
How long will the cockroach gel last once applied and when should I do a repeat application?
Once applied, the gel will usually remain active for approximately 3 months. It is most effective in the first few days after it has been applied and you will get the best results during this time. If you still notice cockroach activity after 2 weeks it is advisable to carry out a follow up application with fresh bait focusing on the worst areas.