Insecticides, also commonly known as pesticides, are substances which kill insect pests by exerting a toxic (poisonous) effect which interferes with certain life processes within the insect. The use of insecticides is both common and effective for the control of a wide range of domestic and commercial insect pests. Insecticides come in a range of different styles including liquid residual concentrates, ready to use liquid formulations, insecticidal dusts and powders, granules, aerosols and fogging solutions. For best results insecticides should be used in combination with other techniques such as baits, trapsand non-chemical approaches i.e cleanliness & hygiene.
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PY-BO NATURAL PYRETHRUM CONCENTRATE Highly concentrated (80g/Litre of pyrethrins making it 20 times stronger than products available in garden centres) 1 litre makes up...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY MAXFORCE QUANTUM Long lasting - remains palatable for up to 8 weeks after application Ideal for control of sugar feeding ant species as well as...
Active Ingredients - 122g/L Eugenol Size - 375mL Croaked is one of the latest products to come out of Amgrow in 2019 - with the sole purpose of assisting the control of...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY ORANGE GUARD CRAWLING INSECT KILLER Non-toxic and non-hazardous. Made from edible plant extract and water Safe for use around children and pets Provides effective...
Envirosafe Mosquito Drops are a unique liquid Mosquito control. They work by forming a very thin silicone film on water surfaces thereby suffocating immature mosquito stages and disrupting the Mosquito...
Eco-lure Male Fruit Fly Trap is designed to attract and kill male Qld fruit fly only. To be used in conjunction with eco-naturalure Fruit Fly Bait concentrate. Apply eco-naturalure Fruit...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD MAXXTHOR SAND INSECTICIDE GRANULES Ideal for control of turf pests such as lawn grubs and beetles Also effective on other pests found in lawns & gardens...
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY ANTEATER FIRE ANT GRANULES Australian made It is not a scheduled poison so it is safe for people, animals and the environment Highly effective...
Cera Trap® is a highly effective liquid food based trapping system to assist in managing fruit fly populations. Cera Trap® contains no pesticides. The volatile compounds emitted by the trap...
ANTagonistPRO has been used in Australia and overseas by pest management professionals, turf care professionals, and Government authorities for many years for the treatment of the tramp ant known as...
Sizes: 750ml RTU (Ready to Use) 250ml (Concentrate) 500ml (Concentrate) 1 Litre (Concentrate) eco-oil is a registered organic miticide and insecticide. It controls a range of problem insects including scale,...
INVADER MAX Ant and Cockroach Granular Bait contains a unique range of feeding attractants designed to enhance feeding in all colony development stages making it the most advanced ant...