Insecticides, also commonly known as pesticides, are substances which kill insect pests by exerting a toxic (poisonous) effect which interferes with certain life processes within the insect. The use of insecticides is both common and effective for the control of a wide range of domestic and commercial insect pests. Insecticides come in a range of different styles including liquid residual concentrates, ready to use liquid formulations, insecticidal dusts and powders, granules, aerosols and fogging solutions. For best results insecticides should be used in combination with other techniques such as baits, trapsand non-chemical approaches i.e cleanliness & hygiene.
5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY CLEANOUT PROBIOTIC DRAIN FOAM Australian made and owned Contains natural microbial spores which digest bad bacteria and organic matter that builds up in drains...
6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY PY PYRETHRIN SPRAY Safe for use around food and food processing areas Safe for use around humans and other warm blooded animals Fast knockdown...
Available Options: 2 x Indoor Units 2 x Outdoor Units 1 x Indoor / 1 x Outdoor Unit Purchase 2 x Automatic Pyrethrum units (Indoor or Outdoor) for a special...
Active Constituents - 9g/kg Pyrethrin, 45g/kg Piperonyl Butoxide WHAT IS PYRETHRIN? Pestrol Ultra Pyrethrin Refills includes Natural Pyrethrin. The product contains natural Pyrethrin extract. The most important active ingredient is...
Latest technology - As heard on Radio Australia wide and seen on TV. Pestrol Ultra Automatic Pyrethrum Spray Unit is a continuous automatic aerosol insect killer containing natural pyrethrum. Safe...
Rapid knockdown - KILLS crawling & flying insectsAQUACELL INSECT GUN offers a unique toxin-free pest control solution and employs a purely physical mode of action to encase and quickly immobilise...
Pestrol Ultra - Outdoor is a continuous automatic insect killer including natural pyrethrins. Safe around the family and pets. This is a unit that you switch on ONLY WHEN you...